Welcome to Stanford Ob/Gyn


Stanford Statement on March 2024 Lancet Menopause Series

"[M]any of the positions taken by the authors of the articles, plus the editorial itself, are anything BUT inclusive and empowering. Menopause is repeatedly referred to as “overmedicalized” when in reality, the vast majority of women are left to navigate their perimenopausal and menopausal years with no medical guidance whatsoever," writes Drs. Karen E. Adams, Leah Millheiser, and Amy Voedisch.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the health of women and people of all genders through innovative and compassionate care, education, advocacy, and discovery.

Our faculty is committed to the highest level of basic and clinical research in Obstetric and Gynecologic science. In particular, we are focused on innovative translational medicine; bringing scientific results from the bench to the bedside. 

Our faculty practices medicine in a world-class hospital; and are internationally recognized for the medical, surgical and reproductive Obstetric and Gynecologic care they provide to their patients. 

Our vision is to be local and global leaders, advancing and transforming the health of women and people of all genders across the lifespan.

In The News

Department News

Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds are open to community physicians but are closed to the general public.

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

No Grand Rounds May 13



Dunlevie Maternal Fetal Medicine Center

Empowering an arc of research and discovery in maternal-fetal health.


Our commitment to women's health spans over a century with groundbreaking innovations and world-class care.